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This is my Which Way? game for the Intellivision console. This is a newly released game, from 2025.
Includes game cartridge, 8 page booklet, 2 overlays and box. All artwork is professionally printed. Box style is similar to a Parker Bros. style box. Build style and quality is similar to previous releases, except the insert is now made of foam, and the boxes and manuals are not hand-assembled anymore.
The instructions are simple. Move your player to the goal, without touching the playfield sides and the moving obstacles. There are 4 speed levels for the player. It sounds simple enough, but there's a twist or 4. More details on the product can be found here, at Atariage. I'll add "spoiler" details there in case people want to know what's happening.
I started with about 30 in-stock on January 1. In about a month, I'll have 20 additional units available. After that, if there's enough interest, I'll do another run of these.
Currently available via this store to customers in USA and Canada. Contact me via e-mail or ideally via PM in the AtariAge forums (user name 5-11under), for shipping to other countries. I've had to adjust the shipping price to Canada, which unfortunately varies widely from province to province. If the actual cost is less than what's listed, I'll refund the difference (I'm shipping from Ontario).
Note: the automated e-mails aren't working properly, but if you've received a payment notification, the order will have gone through.